Even Criminals Have Common Sense – Protect Your Home with Security Screens

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Burglar 2

Burglars Are Simply Looking For the Easiest Target – A Common Sense Approach to Home Security

Let’s face it, burglars are usually looking for an easy target. They’re not interested in working for their money. They steal from other hard working individuals like yourself. Their only interest is quickly breaking in, stealing your valuables, then leaving before someone notices the crime.

A common tactic that these individuals utilize is the “smash & grab”. No special tools required for this low budget break-in. They simply pick up a heavy object (usually something of yours) and smash your glass window or door. They get in, steal your valuables, and then get out in minimal time. This is so easy a child can do it, and they do. If you think about it, there’s not much stopping anyone from really gaining access to your home.

Your weakest points of entry are your windows. They’re usually one to three very thin panes of glass. We rely on a common social standard that assumes that all people are law abiding citizens. This is a ridiculous concept. Every day your home is being entered into a lotto, what we like to call “The burglary lotto”. Your home or place of business is unprotected.

A Cutting Edge Glass is here to Raise Awareness About Home Security

Our goal here is not to frighten, we simply aim to educate. We understand the importance of security stacking and are in no way advocating against the traditional home alarm or home security system. We are recommending that you strengthen your home security system with Security Screens.

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